Sardonyx is a chalcedony that it coloured black, red, brown and white This cryptocrystalline quartz can be coloured with iron and carbon inclusions giving it the brown and black colouring It is formed hydrothermally in hollows or vugs in rocks Sardonyx is created in layers of the brown or red sard stone and the black, white or green onyx stone A smooth piece of onyx is preferred but any real onyx crystal will do You can also work with a piece of onyx jewellery if you don't have a raw crystal at hand This meditation is a wonderful way to calm and centre your energy before spellwork or anytime you generally need to find calm and balanceAn amalgamation of Orange Carnelian and Onyx, the stone also goes by the name Sardinian Onyx The name Sardonyx itself finds roots in the hybrid of Sard (a kind of Orange Carnelian) and Onyx Just like the moonstone , this stone comes in a variety of colors, ranging from black, brown, white, and red, and can have clearly defined shades or a What is whit...